Ray Hudson Simulator

[insert_php] $quote1 = array(
1 => ” Messii !! Messsii !! Messsiii”,
2 => ” Christianooooo!!”,
3 => ” Massiahh”,
4 => ” Rrronaldinhoo” ,
5 => ” Ronaldooo”,
6 => ” Magnificent Mesut”,
7 => ” Chameleon Eye Xavi” ,
8 => ” Illusionist Inesita”,
9 => ” Iniesta – the scientist on the field”,
10 => ” The Little Leo …”,
11 => ” Alexis…”,
12 => ” Beautiful Eye Mesut”,
13 => ” Wonderful Angel ..”);

$quote2 = array(
1 => “Braver than a matador in a pink tutu he was.”,
2 => “Oh my sweet lord. What a ball. What a pass! The ball is magisterial. The finish is nothing less than stupefying.”,
3 => “He has an absolutely impossible task to hit that first time. Well, he just threw a pint glass into a shot glass. Astonishing.”,
4 => “He stabs this with a beautiful rainbow, and a big pot of gold is waiting at the other end.”,
5 => “He would have finished it off with half a dozen blindfolds on.”,
6 => “The illusionista just pops up like a ghost out of the fog.” ,
7 => “He could make an onion cry.”,
8 => “The gods around Footballers’ Heaven are looking down and saying, ‘It doesn’t get any better than that.”,
9 => “Where the insane becomes the routine with this man. He is nothing less than a ball whisperer.”,
10 => “They certainly found themselves in the Temple of Doom at half time. It’s him that’s playing the role of Indiana Jones for me.”,
11 => “He’s got his hula hoop out! Valencia just opened up like the Red Sea.”,
12 => “This man is like a T-Rex with hemorrhoids.”,
13 => “This man separates from the defenders easier than tissue on a toilet roll.”
$quote3 = array(
1 => “Brilliant!”,
2 => “Magic!”,
3 => “Aaaaaaaagh!”,
4 => “Absolute genius again! “,
5 => “Ohh… Twinkle Toes again”,
6 => “Magisterial” ,
7 => “It’s just celestial.”,
8 => “Nothing but heavenly !!!”,
9 => “Teasing & Tantalizing!! “,
10 => “He came like a piranha..”,
11 => “Magic .. Magic .. Magic..”,
12 => “A Man, moving like a ballet dancer”,
13 => “Miracle!! Miracle !!”

$quote5 = array(
1 => “He’s like Ming the Merciless, ruthless.”,
2 => “Call the exorcist! Unbelievable!”,
3 => “The curvaceousness is better than Dolly Parton.”,
4 => “The goal-keeper sees a solar eclipse and lunar eclipse happening at the same time.”,
5 => “He could keep those big kaleidoscopic eyes closed, and he could finish that one off.”,
6 => “Braver than a bull fighter with no knickers on!”,
7 => “This is a gangster goal from them and it’s him that’s holding the revolver.”,
8 => “That was just hotter than Jessica Rabbit.”,
9 => “Nothing less than the equivalent of a footballing bird-of-paradise.”,
10 => “This is as cool as a salmon sandwich in the refrigerator!”,
11 => “As electrifying as a hair dryer thrown into a hot tub my friend.”,
12 => “It was finger-down-the-throat finishing.”,
13 => “He is defying his age, like Peter Pan.”,
14 => “Like a Turkish belly-dancer on a surfboard, He’s tiptoeing through the tulips.”,
15 => “He rises up out of his grave like Dracula and sinks in the fangs.”

$randnum1 = rand(1,13);
$randnum2 = rand(1,13);
$randnum3 = rand(1,13);
$randnum5 = rand(1,15);
$select = rand(1,2);

if ($select == 1)
echo $quote1[$randnum1].” “.$quote3[$randnum3].” “.”

“.””.$quote2[$randnum2].” “.”

echo $quote3[$randnum3].” “.$quote1[$randnum1].” “.”

“.””.$quote2[$randnum2].” “.”






[If Football is passion, then Ray is Viagra. This is a little tribute from us to this surreal personality. Keep refreshing the page and Enjoy. Thanks rayhudsonquotes(dot)tumblr(dot)com and Hudsonia(dot)blogspot(dot)com for your wonderful archiving]